customer > ÀÇ·á»ó´ã¸ðÀ½ > I"ve had Migrain for 5 days. Please advise.
U.S   ¢¾ ´ç½ÅÀÇ Ä¡À¯ÀÇ °úÁ¤¿¡ ÇÔ²² ÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù.



ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 99-11-19 09:16
I"ve had Migrain for 5 days. Please advise.
Á¶È¸ : 2,442  
Hi. This is 25 years old unmarried girl. and since I"m in saipan, I cannot
write Korean mssg. sorry! But I can read Korean mssg, so please send your
advice in Korean.

On August, I went here, Saipan, from Korea. Before coming here, I felt
headache so many times, so I went to hospital. But a doctor said there
seemed to be no problem in my head. So I thought the reason of my pain was
stress from working. Anyway he gave me some medecine and I brought it

After I came here, for almost 3 months, I just had headache only once or
twice. But from this Monday, to now, I"ve felt Migrain for 5 days. The pain
is very different from it I used to feel in Korea. The pain, which I had in
Korea, was a kind of periodic,, for example, according to pulse,, and after
the period became long, the pain used to be gone away. But now, the pain is
really unexpectable. Like,,,, sometimes the pain came too aften and fast,
and sometimes I felt pain only once in one hour.
I feel very sharp pain on my right top side of my head (near the skin,, I
think) and I feel pain with my skin of that area also. Almost whenever I
touch there or brush my hair, I feel pain with my skin. From yesterday,
I"ve felt pain in the right side of my throat also. But I don"t have any
pain in my stormache yet.

Actually, I"m worrying about the nitrogen from the scuba diving stuffs.
After Sep, I"ve enjoyed the Scuba Diving every weekend. And I hear that if
there is remained nitrogen in my body, I would feel pain so much. Of
course, we always take care about it,,, like enough decompression before
going up. Anyway, they (profesional divers) said if I had even a little
nitrogen in my head, the pain would so terrible that I could not stand the
pain. It means that they think the reason of my Migrain is not the nitrogen
from the diving stuff.

It"s the first time I have Migrain for too~ long. and the madicine that a
doctor gave me and Tirenol is not working on it at all. So, I don"t know
what I should do. Please advise.
And If this is form the nitrogen remained in my head, please advise if I
can be treated in Korea. Or,, I heard that there are some special stuffs
for treating that in Guam, not here. So please advise If I cannot be
treated in Korea, and I have to go Guam for treat it. For your reference, I
will go back to Korea coming early Dec.

Really thanks for your reading this, and I"m looking forward hearing your
advice. Thanks in advance.
Sara Park

±è¿µ¿ì Á¤½Å°Ç°­¡¦ 16-07-01 20:41
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